The Weight
The horse said,
"For so long, I have been carrying the weight of humanity, in all its forms.
Across nomadic landscapes, in times of conquest, and today in what some of you think of as kinship."
So the girl said,
"Rest your head in my hands. Allow me to carry you for a while."

Chiron and Miranda - Dancing With Equus
The field of equine guided development, and all its incarnations, is powerfully positioned to give back to these benevolent beings who've walked alongside, and often carried us, along our evolutionary journey. Yet, when considering the horse, many still see, and use them as tools, even within the aforementioned field.
In 2012, an pivotal document was published substantiating that consciousness does not lie solely within the domain of homo sapiens. The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, written by a group of prominent scientists, goes on to prove that animals are
conscious... sentient... and have feelings.
For those of us who grew up in the company of animals, and maybe some of you, like me, dreamed of being Dr. Doolittle, we knew most certainly that talking with animals was the only sure way to have a meaningful conversation :-) and that listening was certainly more important than talking.
Horse listening is something I've been apprenticing in my entire life and though I'll likely never graduate, the Chiron's Way herd, and in fact all of the horses I've met (and animals and trees and streams etc. but that's for another time), have been such patient teachers.
People feel drawn to horses for as many reasons as there are people but the horses don't care why you come... they just care that you do... and that you come as you are with opens hearts - and ears - and listen to what they have to say.
And then, whether you want to learn how to work within this beautiful and transformative field as an Equine Guided Learning/Wellness/Therapy/Leadership (etc...) specialist, OR unbridle your creativity, kick up your heels, honour and heal a sacred wound,
restore - rejuvenate - remember... the horses are listening.
Waiting for you to say yes.
Yes to yourself and YES to a way of being with them
that honours their wisdom, sentience, perspectives, needs, individuality, feelings, opinions and gifts.
CLICK HERE for an entire herd of offerings...